Have You Ever reached a stagnant point in your walk with the Lord? Did you ever just feel disconnected in a way you could exactly describe? Have you ever just needed reminding how amazing God's love is for you?
It is completely normal to hit that point in your Christian walk where you just get caught in a valley where you feel like you are disconnected. It is not always easy to maintain the mountaintops experiences you have with the Lord.
The truth is your faith walk is not going to be a series of mountaintop experiences. As christians we have valley experiences. But the good news is that in the Lord our mountaintop experiences will far out weigh the others.
In everything we do we look to the Lord. if ever there is a time when we feel disconnected or just simply not on fire as we usually are, take that time to pray to God that he may fill your heart and ignite that fire.
One of my favorite verses to quote and just think back to is Hebrews 12:29 "Our God is a consuming fire!" We are always consumed in his love. But there will most definitely be those times where we feel the fire is not as hot as it should be. All we need to do is look to the Lord and know that we are consumed in his love. He picks us up when we are down and is with us even when we feel that we are alone in all of the stress that we may have.
It is extremely hard not to let all of the little things run our lives. As humans we get so caught up in the planning that we feel obligated to do. We stress ourselves out involving every minute detail. That in itself is how we draw away from God. Where our focus should be on our AMAZING Heavenly Father, our focus is instead on things of this world.
For we do not belong to this world and the ways of it. We belong to our Lord and Savior who resides in the home of our hearts. We are not home yet.
And while I can't give you a step by step procedure on how to have a more personal relationship with Jesus, I can tell you that no matter where you are or what you are doing; it is never too late to come home to the one who loves you more than you could possibly even fathom.
It is so immensely important to take time every day to speak with the Lord and just tell him how much you love him. He loves you so much, even if you feel as though your fire has dimmed in this particular moment.
The most exciting thing about walking with the Lord is that no matter what you are his beloved.
Remember that he loves you the very first, last, and of course the best. He knows your name and will come when you call on His. Ultimately the Lord will take away every bad thing in your life until you have gain in him.
Connecting with God on a personal level is something that never ends. Everyday we grow and want more and he is there always. We need only call on him and he will remind us of his consuming fire and there we can cozy up and be warm and spread that warmth to others.