God, What if I stumble?
Psalm 37:24 says that "If He stumbles he is not down for long; God has a grip on his hand."
Recently I was talking to one of my friends in my college dorm room about Jesus and His AMAZING love. She was asking me questions and telling me that she wanted to feel that closeness and that warmth that the Lord exudes and it got me thinking...and I decided I had to write about it. My friend went on to tell me that she felt that she was more or less stumbling through her faith and going through the motions instead of feeling it on a heart level. So I began to think about stumbling and it brought me to the question; "God, what if I stumble?" Will I lose the amazing feeling that I get when I feel your presence so strongly in my life?
So while I was brainstorming I realized that no matter what happens to us, if we fall, the Lord is there to pick us right back up. We need only remember that he is our Saving Grace and he will meet us in every moment of our lives even when we fall into a slump and don't feel him present.
In psalm 119:165 it says that "For those who love what you reveal, everything fits-- no stumbling around in the dark for them." So with that we know that whatever God reveals to us we know that EVERYTHING fits. We shall not stumble around in the dark if we truly accept all that the Lord reveals. I love that simple fact that with God there is no darkness, only light. So when you truly yearn for the God and you live that everyday you will be consumed in the love and warmth in him.
The Lord is light and he assures us that we will not eternally stumble around in the darkness. Isaiah 8:14 speaks volumes; "and he will always be a sanctuary; but for both houses of Israel he will be a tone hat causes men to stumble and a rock makes them fall." This tells us that either the Lord is the cornerstone of our lives (28:16) or he is a rock over which we fall. So we have a choice. We can can either choose to put all of our trust in him or we will stumble our way through life in a meaningless way, just simply wondering why we aren't feeling the warmth of the Heavenly Father.
God says , "Watch closely. I'm laying a foundation, squared and true. And this is the meaning of the stone: A TRUSTING LIFE WON'T TOPPLE.
Therefore as Christians if our complete trust is in God and not in people, we will have a solid rock of a foundation to place our lives upon and stay. So we put all of our trust in God because he is THE rock and the firm foundation made so that we will not stumble.
Jeremiah 31:9 says; "Watch we come! They'll come weeping for joy as I take their hands and lead them, Lead them to fresh flowing brooks, lead them along smooth, uncluttered paths so that they will not stumble." The truth of the matter is that the Lord takes our hands and leads us to the fresh flowing well of his word. When we trust fully in him he leads us along uncluttered paths so that we might not stumble.
So my dear friends if you feel as though you are stumbling and not connecting with Jesus in those warm glimpses into the kingdom know that the Lord is there. He will always be with you in every moment. As Christians we are the body and we are called to live a Godly life. So when we lead that life daily we will feel his warmth and love and those glimpses into the kingdom will only grow until the day where is becomes more than a glimpse but eternity in the Kingdom with the most amazing Heavenly Father.
Love and Blessings to all of the Sons and daughters of the Kingdom.
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