Thursday, March 12, 2015

An Immense Love for Love

Love is Not Just a Four Letter Word...

I have always had a such a crazy love for love. From a young age I would watch romantic comedies and dramas, read books with an underlying love story, and just take notes. Obviously I soon realized that real and true love wasn't just like the movies or the books, but it was better. But with that knowledge that it is better, it is also more real and raw than one might realize. True love isn't forced, it is as Paul says in 1 Corinthians 13; "patient, kind, not envious, not boastful, not proud, not rude or self-seeking, not easily angered, doesn't delight in evil but instead rejoices in truth, it always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. Love NEVER FAILS." 

Real and true love is unforced like waves because authentic love comes right from the Lord. We are blessed with the ability to love others the way the Lord loves us. So when I was younger I made the decision that I would hold out and wait for that love that love that mirrors Christ's love for his bride. There is no love that can match the Lord's love for us. When you think about that and the love you feel for others here on earth it is something to know that the love you feel stems from the love the Lord has for you. That crazy love is everything. 

Even as I read novels today and watch movies, I am so in love with the loves stories that I see. To be in love is something that every woman, man, child, everyone wants to experience. True love on earth is a blessing from the Lord. Proverbs 19:22 says it best, "What a man truly desires is unfailing love." The truth is that unfailing love is something that comes from our Heavenly Father. The love we experience and indulge in on earth is just a glimpse into how much the Lord loves each one of us. When I think about it I can't imagine a greater gift than that. 

I am still currently waiting on that true love that is shared with a significant other. As I am only a freshman in college that isn't too crazy. When I think about that love that the Lord hand crafted between man and woman I get butterflies and a warm feeling. Because when I think about it, the longer you wait in the Lord's timing for that love the sweeter it is when you have it, and the less likely you are to ever think about letting it go. I know and believe that when the Lord's timing is right that love will be awakened. So fret not because your love story has been written by the one who created love. How amazing is that? 

"May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else...may he strengthen your hearts that you will be blameless and holy in the presence of our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all his holy ones." Whenever I read those verses, 1 Thessalonians 3:12-13, I can't help but smile to think that our love will increase and overflow for our true love because in the Lord love is abundant. Being that love is my favorite thing, that simple fact that love is abundant, is just beyond anything I could ever imagine. 

Watching true love unravel before your eyes in movie form, book form, or even in real life with people you know and care for is so amazing to me. It warms my heart and makes me smile to see love so uninhabited and so real. It is only natural to want a love like that. So true love is different than the books and movies, so what? The love that is bestowed upon us from the Lord is crazy. His crazy love for us knows NO BOUNDS. "Hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." (Romans 5:5) 
So the next time you see a movie, read about love, experience love yourself; know that, that love comes from the one who loves you more than you could ever begin to imagine. True love doesn't wait, you already have it in the Lord. The truth is, you have no idea who you are meant to share that intimate love with here on earth. The moment you know who you are going to spend the rest of your days on earth with, is when you can't imagine sharing your love and life for the Lord with anyone else. Now I don't know about you but that sounds like a love worth waiting for. 

That four letter word, Love. L-O-V-E. Isn't just a word. It is so much more. 

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