Thursday, April 9, 2015

Practice His Patience

Problems...Will Always Be Present 

Today. What a funny thing today. Today is another day the Lord has made but I am having a hard time rejoicing and being glad in it. The thing about today is that no matter where we go the Lord will be there. Despite the disappointment or stress we may feel for whatever reason we must keep the faith. 

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the almighty love of Christ that forever flows through us."- Romans 8:38-39

I know I am experiencing a really hard day and as soon as I got back to my dorm room this afternoon I went to the word. The only place we can ever truly find a home is in Christ himself. It is evident throughout scripture that nothing, NOTHING, not one single thing, can separate us from Christ and his amazing love. There is a peace that we find in the Lord and I know that sometimes we have trouble resting in it. But even in that we must know that many problems vanish instantly in the Light of God's love because we realize that we are NEVER alone. 

The Lord replies in Exodus 33:14 "My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest." We have rest, peace, love, and everything we could ever possibly need in the presence of the Lord. Even in the midst of our problems and our days that just fall short. Each moment we can choose to practice his presence or to practice the presence of problems. Often it feels easier to take the problem or problems at hand and run with them; but in the Lord we are blessed to have patience and understanding in knowing that no matter what the circumstance he is so much greater. 

Christ has set us free. He has set us free from the attachment of the problems that come with living in this world. For we know that what awaits us is more than worth the problems we face. I know I must remember and that we all must remember; Nothing, not one little problem, NOTHING, can separate us from God's great love for us. 

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